Saturday, March 15, 2014

Following/Focused #162

Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. (Matthew 16:24 NKJV)

I spent 3 hours of last evening/early morning in the ER. I didn't really want to go, but I was confronted with a sensation (pain) in my chest as if a sumo wrestler was sitting on me, coupled with a sudden onset of a really nasty headache... I described it to the doctor that it felt like I was stabbed in the right eye with an icepick. The tests all came back normal, the chest pain probably due to an GI issue I am dealing with, but in the midst of all that pain I found it difficult to think about anything other than myself, where I should've been focusing on something (some One) else: Jesus, my Adonai Rophe', my healer.
Jesus said that we are to come after Him, to follow Him and nothing else.
To "follow" implies and requires that we set our sights, focusing on Him alone, not looking left or right where distractions can take us off our course. Race horses are fitted with blinders that prevent them from looking to the sides, allowing only forward vision. In each of our lives we must keep focused on Jesus alone, not difficult life circumstances such as job problems, finances, illnesses, nor blessings that can become idols (wealth & affluence, successful careers,etc).
As we stay focused on Jesus a moment at a time, beloved, we will someday (sooner than we think) arrive at the finish line, having run the good race, into the arms of Abba Father who declares over us: "Well done, good and faithful servant...enter into your rest."

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