Friday, March 29, 2013

The Acquisition/Sold Out

“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.
Matthew 13:44

Imagine that you are an ordinary farmer, plowing the earth of an ordinary field, preparing the land for planting. You are working the land, having leased this property for years, doing what you've always done, just keeping both hands on the plow. The blade is carving through the ground as you concentrate to keep the furrows straight, then suddenly as a clod of earth is turned, you notice a glimmer, the rays of the sun reflecting something different, just for a moment. In all the time you've been tilling this land you have never seen anything like this before; stopping the plow you begin digging, sifting the dirt through your fingers. Then you find it: a huge diamond, and as you brush off the rest of the dirt even your untrained eyes can see its amazing color, clarity, and size.
Your mind is spinning, your heart is beating out of your chest. Looking about, you bury the diamond again, carefully marking the place, and acting nonchalant, you race home. As quickly as possible you liquidate every asset, selling off everything. Everyone close to you thinks you have lost your mind. There is nothing seemingly special about this property, those near and dear to you try to dissuade you, but you are determined. Approaching the land owner, you try not to be over eager and strike the deal of a lifetime, acquiring  the field, both the seller and buyer overjoyed at the outcome.

We sometimes use the term for a person who is on fire and focused on OneThing-Jesus our Messiah- as "sold out". When the Lord breaks through and plows things up, we find Him if we are seeking...  in the Spirit we catch a glimmer as the veil is parted. The sum value of  everything else is as dust on the scales, compared to the weight of glory found in Jesus, we strive to apprehend that which has apprehended us (Phil.3:12). 
Beloved, let's be "sell outs" the good things in life for the best.

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