Wednesday, September 26, 2012


"Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news: “I have seen the Lord!” And she told them that he had said these things to her."
John 20:18

The disciples who lived with Jesus for three plus years had scattered after His crucifixion and were hiding fearing persecution from the corrupt Sanhedrin;  they had forgotten all that Jesus had told and taught them...but then here came Mary pounding on the door of their hideout, " open up, let me in...I have seen The Lord!"

As a young believer in The Lord, I  recall hearing a song by Ken & Jeanne Veltz called, " Lamb of God", and (some of ) lyrics that were rhema words to my spirit years later were: "they looked at Him...but they never really saw Him. This simple but profound line impacted me so my spirit I was making a familiar drive in a wealthy part of town where there are gigantic churches, one after the other, with edifices and properties in the tens of millions of dollars and the words played on the strings of my heart again: "they looked at Him, but they never really saw Him...
Jesus' greatest desire is that we would really see Him, and know Him fully, as we have been fully known,(1 Cor. 13:12) free of encumbrances, idols, and distractions...He furiously desires to be first, not any other place in our lives except that preeminent place. Unless He is first, our vision will be obstructed , blocked  partially or maybe totally, we will not be able to fix our eyes, locking our vision on all that He is - The embodiment of Love, Grace, Mercy, and much more
Today focus on Him without distractions, strive for 20/20  Jesus vision.

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