Sunday, October 21, 2012

Ordinary to Extraordinary

 "Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with water”; so they filled them to the brim.
Then he told them, “Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet.”
They did so, and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine.
He did not realize where it had come from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew.
Then he called the bridegroom aside and said, “Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.”
This, the first of his miraculous signs, Jesus performed in Cana of Galilee.
He thus revealed his glory, and his disciples put their faith in him. "
John 2:4 -11

The first recorded miracle that Jesus performed was the well known transformation of water into wine at the Cana wedding banquet. As I read through this in John 2 today it occurred to me that at this first event the Lord used this as a sign post as Jesus moved forward fulfilling God's mission, and the point is that the Lord takes ordinary things such as water and transforms them into wine. The banquet master declared this wine to be extraordinary! This is His business though, is it not?  It sounds preposterous to  natural minds that He would use spit and dirt mixed into mud to heal deafness and blindness, ridiculous that 5000 men plus women and children could be fed with a handful of fish and loaves, that 12 riffraff street guys could be used to turn the world upside down, and yet this is exactly how He operates.
Beloved, if we know this is how Jesus works, then we need to know how He sees us, that we are each extraordinary to Him! We are each works in progress, as He transforms us and refines us, esteemed  by the Lover of our souls as worthy vessels for the Holy Spirit to dwell in.

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