Saturday, February 16, 2013

Forgiveness, Unforgiveness, and Honesty 313

When someone does something, whether intentional or not, that is hurtful or offensive, or both... what do you do? Sure, we all know that Jesus Himself told us how to handle offense:
"For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.  But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." 
Matthew 6:14, 15
Here's the truth: If we don't forgive others their sins against us, our Father will not forgive us! Jesus said it, and God is not just a man that He should lie.

I need to make a confession right here: Recently I was hurt by the actions of some folks I considered close to me. I was offended, I felt they were inconsiderate, and what they did made me feel like they didn't care. I had every right to feel this way, they were dead wrong, and I wanted to hang onto my own self-righteousness. I said that I was not offended, which was a lie. I lied to others about this, saying I was "fine" and I lied to myself, but I couldn't lie to the Lord. He sees into the core of our thoughts, our hearts. I was very much offended. Instead of addressing it and determining in my heart to forgive immediately, I let it fester and take root. I was not forgiving a man his offense against me. Some would perhaps argue that grace would cover my unforgiveness, but I take Jesus at His word, over the words of Paul.: "Your Father will not forgive your sins", and I will chose to forgive, and not just this infraction but all others who have offended or hurt me. The prospect of standing before my Father in heaven and instead of hearing Him say, "Well done good and faithful servant", He declares, " Cast him out into utter darkness, I never knew him" is  frightening, and this must be part of my walk, working out my salvation with fear and trembling. There is another facet of this, too, where I am not the offended, but in fact the offender. How many have I hurt and offended? What would happen or does happen when they walk in offense and there are other roots of bitterness? Is not gossip fueled by these very things?
I have been forgiven much, by others I've hurt who have loved me and covered me even when they had the "right"  not to. But even more than that, I have been loved, covered, and forgiven, really forgiven, the Son taking my place on the cross meant for me.

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