"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." Genesis 50:20
It's 1981...a young unmarried couple, involved out of wedlock, discover that they are pregnant.
They are anxious, confused, without resources...Roe v. Wade is in force, abortion is legal, and they are considering doing again what they have already done before, in fact, twice before…
but this time is different, this time they make a decision to keep this baby, and in October, 1981,
became the proud parents of a healthy, beautiful baby girl.
The couple's marriage soon dissolved, but the girl flourished...
Recently my oldest daughter, born in 1981,who resides in New York,
along with our son-in-law, and our two beautiful grand-daughters came to visit us.
This daughter is that baby girl... and a new legacy of life was begun.
In the classic movie, It's A Wonderful Life, a despondent George Bailey gets to see what his world would've looked like without the impact of his life...and I am moved to repeatedly consider the many lives that would've been impacted without this young lady, not to mention there would be no grand daughters...
When I look at them and take in all the blessings of these two generations, both now and the future,
I hear the voice of the Lord: ...for I know the plans I have for them, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans for a hope and a future..." Jer. 29:11
Beloved, God's plans are crafted with eternity in His mind, and are far better than even the best laid intentions of men... Seek first His kingdom, surrender your intentions to Him.
It's 1981...a young unmarried couple, involved out of wedlock, discover that they are pregnant.
They are anxious, confused, without resources...Roe v. Wade is in force, abortion is legal, and they are considering doing again what they have already done before, in fact, twice before…
but this time is different, this time they make a decision to keep this baby, and in October, 1981,
became the proud parents of a healthy, beautiful baby girl.
The couple's marriage soon dissolved, but the girl flourished...
Recently my oldest daughter, born in 1981,who resides in New York,
along with our son-in-law, and our two beautiful grand-daughters came to visit us.
This daughter is that baby girl... and a new legacy of life was begun.
In the classic movie, It's A Wonderful Life, a despondent George Bailey gets to see what his world would've looked like without the impact of his life...and I am moved to repeatedly consider the many lives that would've been impacted without this young lady, not to mention there would be no grand daughters...
When I look at them and take in all the blessings of these two generations, both now and the future,
I hear the voice of the Lord: ...for I know the plans I have for them, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans for a hope and a future..." Jer. 29:11
Beloved, God's plans are crafted with eternity in His mind, and are far better than even the best laid intentions of men... Seek first His kingdom, surrender your intentions to Him.