Saturday, April 14, 2012

All Things Possible (No Impossibilities) 219

For with God nothing shall be impossible.
Luke 1:37

The children of Israel had fled Egypt, men, women, children, livestock, and everything that they owned, plus all the valuables that the Egyptians had given them for the asking. Pharaoh's heart had once again become hardened, and so the Jews raced towards the Red Sea, with Pharoah's army chasing after them, and they had no clue how they would be delivered from this situation, but they followed Moses, and they watched as God did the "impossible"- parting the Red Sea for them, but as the Egyptian Army gave chase the seas closed up on Phariah and his men, destroying Israel's enemies, while delivering His people Israel.

Against "impossible" odds, a huge lawsuit against my wife and I has been overturned,
forgiven and cancelled by the plaintiff!

In 2008, we were financially devastated as the result of a failed business that happened during the worst economic moment of modern history. We then became embroiled in a legal struggle with our would-be landlords from that business.
This loomed over us for more than a year and a half, overshadowing everything, driving us even to consider bankruptcy. We were told that those who were bringing the lawsuit were ruthless, heartless, caring only about business, with no regard for people. I was told by someone familiar with these businessmen, to prepare for the worst, wishing me "good luck" as we struggled. But my wife and I believed that deliverance would come, we knew that our God was bigger than our circumstances,
we just didn't know how or when. Our prayer was: God, touch the hearts of these men, give them hearts of flesh and compassion, instead of cold stone. We began to hear the spirit of the Lord instructing us to write the plaintiffs a letter, explaining our dire situation, and ultimately asking for them to exercise grace and mercy with us, asking them for a mitzvah (grant us a good deed, a blessing to them and us).
Our attorney told us that such a request was irregular and dangerous, but we still felt to write this letter, which we forwarded through legal channels. We heard nothing for weeks-but then suddenly on the last day of Pesach (Passover), we received an email from my attorney with a forwarded response  from the plaintiff, dismissing the lawsuit, with us taking care of a relatively small amount of legal fees!
Delivered on the last day of the celebration of deliverance from adversaries…
Another breath-taking blessing from our Father! His ways and thoughts are so much higher than ours.
I am reminded of what faith is: things that are hoped for that are yet unseen,
and the Word tells us that without faith it is impossible to please the Lord.
I see this image in my spirit: my Father standing with His arms open, laughing, asking me the question: "Once again I say to you, is anything too difficult for Me? With Me nothing is impossible!"
Beloved, today whatever your situation is-Believe.
Our amazing God is in the business of exchanging beauty for ashes.
He makes everything beautiful...just in time.

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