Tuesday, January 4, 2011

(I'm On) Fire- Becoming a Nazirite

Song of Solomon 8:6b-7
   "...its jealousy[a] unyielding as the grave.
It burns like blazing fire,
   like a mighty flame.[b]
7 Many waters cannot quench love;
   rivers cannot sweep it away. "

All consuming fire...
Fire that cannot be quenched...
Fire shut up in my bones...
I am burning... Even Psalm 42 ("as the deer pants for water, so my soul longs for you") does not describe what I am trying to find expression for! I understand now His jealousy, because I live now to abide in Him, to meet with God, talk with and be with Him like Adam was in Eden.

I have no desire or room in my heart for the legitimate or illegitimate pleasures that are indulged in - endless hours of TV, movies, video games, sports enthusiasm, drugs, drunkenness, pornography, the constant need for many in our culture to be entertained. I am on fire, burning, with holy desire- His for me (and for each and all of us), mine for Him. I feel the holy fire of the Nazirites that have passed before me, and the ever exponentially increasing number of those who burn with me right now. This is not about emotions, a crazy fad, or anything else those who don't "get it" would otherwise say or think. The pleasure I seek is to know the extreme pleasure of God's love, and to fulfill His prophetic destiny that He is placing on me, to be obedient to Him alone. Perhaps you are experiencing this right now yourself.

Be still, close your eyes, and look inside, ask the Lord to open your spiritual ears... You will hear Him.

1 comment:

  1. Hugh,
    Song of Songs 8:6 is awesome in Hebrew. The word for mighty flame is a 'single-usage' word (no where else in Scripture. It is "shalhevet-jah" or, flame with God's Name attached as a suffix. The best way to describe that flame is white phosphorous which will burn even under water using the water itself as fuel. That is some jealousy.
