Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Desperation/ Revelation

"You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart."
Jeremiah 29:13

"And I, I'm desperate for you
And I, I'm I'm lost without you"
Lyrics from Breathe, Michael W. Smith

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for they will be filled."
Matthew 5:6

Revelation knowledge of the most Holy doesn't come as a response to being a casual observer. It comes from desperation, when you need the presence of the Lord as desperately as you need to breathe for life itself.
I had a conversation with a friend today. He didn't know my history, where I had come I shared my testimony, especially the part when I returned to the Lord after a period of backsliding, when He "tore the veil" away, His response to my desperation and desire for Him, my seeking and finding Him, complete with the audible voice of the Lord and the presence of the Holy Spirit being so heavy that I could barely breathe... but as I looked at my friend I could see that He didn't really understand the experience that I was trying to convey.
Revelation. God coming down. Being taken up in the spirit, as He answers desperate pleas, when the realization hits us that nothing this world has to offer will ever satisfy, when a broken heart  gets mended and filled by the Holy Spirit... when rivers of living water suddenly cascade, crashing down through the dried out river bed of a parched inner man.
I know people that have grown up in the church, and I known people that have had little exposure to spiritual things, and in regards to the presence of the Holy Spirit they are in the same place. The Holy Spirit is a "Gentleman", He will not barge in, unannounced or uninvited, and there is no formula, no buttons to push, switches to pull, that He responds to.
He sees through facades, religiosity, and zeroes in on the hungry and thirsty hearts.
Have you had enough of routine life, tired of the same mundane existence, are you desperate yet?

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