Monday, April 18, 2011

Dining at Passover

"With a mighty hand and an outstretched arm..."
At the Passover Seder, there is usually a frenzy of activity in the vast majority of Jewish households, quickly reading through the Hagaddah, (which means literally "The Telling", reading the "Magid" -the Story)from the Torah book, B'Midbar (meaning "In the desert"-what we know as Exodus) and rushing through what is viewed as the perfunctory ceremony, drudgery to most, let's get it over with mentality, in order to get to the meal.
But this story is richer and more nourishing than any culinary delight, if you have ears to hear! The actual dinner is dessert to me, after meditating and devouring every word of this incredible story of deliverance and redemption- 430 years to the very day, God Himself-not a seraph-delivered His people, performing miracles never before witnessed by humans, the sheer logistics of moving 600,000 men, plus women, children, livestock, possessions, ahead of a really angry Pharoah!
God's Word is the meal- Jesus said, "Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God" is no coincidence, of course, that the Last Supper, was the last Passover for Yeshua in that body- the topic of which I'm sure was about God's deliverance and redemption. (I have read between the lines with God's holy spirit assistance!) Today, read Exodus 1-15, if you are not celebrating Passover at an actual Seder, dine tonight, relish every word, topped with a deeper understanding of what a might, awesome, loving and engaged Abba/Master/ Bridegroom we serve.

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