Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Importance of Reconciliation

   23 “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, 24 leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.
Matthew 5:23-24

rec·on·cil·i·a·tion [rek-uh n-sil-ee-ey-shuh n]
1. an act of reconciling or the state of being reconciled.
2. the process of making consistent or compatible.

com·pat·i·ble [kuh m-pat-uh-buh l]
1. capable of existing or living together in harmony

Cain's sacrifices were not accepted for a number of reasons, and amongst them was that the enmity that had developed between Abel and him that was never resolved. Sometimes in our lives there are situations that happen where a brother or sister becomes offended. How we interpret the cause as to whether or not we share the blame is not the point, or justification. Jesus makes no mention here of who caused the offense. This is a heart issue, and a prideful heart (when we are selfish and egocentric) will keep us from receiving the blessing that our Abba wants to bestow on us. Pride causes unforgiveness & disharmony to be cultivated, and with that, incompatibility - the inability of brothers and sisters to dwell together, which to say the least is "unpleasant". Psalm 133.
Jesus said "blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called sons of God..."Matt 5:9
To be called sons and daughters of the Living God is to dwell in harmony, and worth swallowing and squashing prideful fleshly instincts. These are days, today is the time for the rebuilding and mending of things torn down and damaged, starting with relationships, earthly and spiritual. If you have some that need fixing, step forward, be the fixer.
You'll be blessed!

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